Growing hearts & minds together
Opening Times 8.45am - 3.10pm

School Community Board
The School Community Board
The School Community Board is made up of 7 Representatives, including the Executive Co-headteachers who make up one Representative. All meetings are Full School Community Board Meetings and there are no committees except for Pay & Performance and First & Second Hearing Panels. Representatives are selected to sit on these committees as required.
The work of School Community Board focuses on ensuring that the Tarka Learning Partnership and school ethos is lived out in the school on a daily basis. Their responsibilities include representing the interests of the school community in the running of the school, monitoring whether the school is working within the agreed policies and School Improvement Plan, and reviewing provision for break and lunchtimes. Representatives work closely with the Trustees and Members of The Tarka Learning Partnership.
As well as attending regular meetings each term, Representatives visit the school to talk to staff and pupils. Every month a Representative looks at a specific area of school life and shares their findings at School Community Board Meetings.
Each Representative brings their own unique skills and experience to the School Community Board and strives to make a positive impact on children’s lives and education in the local community.
If you would like to find out more about the School Community Board or contact any of the Representatives including the Chair of Representatives, please email at or contact the school Eden Park Academy, Forches Avenue, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 8EF.
The School Community Board
Our Representatives

John has had a distinguished career in the armed forces serving our country in a number of conflicts around the world including Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Since leaving the army, John has qualified as a teacher and taught in a primary school before moving onto a new career in logistics at a local company.
Statutory Information | Coop Representative | Term of Office 01.09.23-01.09.27

Statutory Information | Executive Co-headteacher | Term of Office 01.09.21
I am the Executive Co-headteacher of Eden Park Academy as well as Sticklepath Community Primary Academy. I have been a teacher for over 25 years and a head teacher for ten and I have the same passion for learning now as I did when I started teaching all those years ago. I have recently completed a Masters in Educational Leadership and Management with a particular focus on developing schools as learning organisations where everyone is a learner.
Statutory Information | Executive Co-headteacher | Term of Office 01.09.21
I am the Executive Co-headteacher of Eden Park Academy as well as Sticklepath Community Primary Academy. I have been in education for over twenty years, working in a variety of schools across Devon. My previous roles have included teaching across Key Stage 2, being a Team Leader of Years 5 and 6 and being a Deputy headteacher. I have a passion for an engaging curriculum and the best possible learning experiences for children.
Statutory Information | Term of Office 21.03.23-20.03.27
I would like to contribute to the wider school community and share any relevant knowledge from my previous employment that could be beneficial for the School Community Board.

Statutory Information | Term of Office 22.11.22-21.11.26

Kerry Morgan-Gould | Co-opted REPRESENTATIVE
Statutory Information | Cop Representative | Term of Office 25.5.23-20.5.27
Director of Ashfords Trust Corporation Ltd, Curzon House Trustees Ltd & Ashfords LLP

Julie Wooldridge | Parent REPRESENTATIVE
Statutory Information | Parent Representative | Term of Office 11.7.23-11.7.27
Becky Martin | School Community Board Clerk