Growing hearts & minds together
Opening Times 8.45am - 3.10pm

Our Policies
Here you will find all of our School Policies:
Click the links below to read the school's policies.
Paper copies of policies are available on request from the school office.
As we are part of a Trust some policies are Trustwide, these include Appraisal, CCTV, Confidentialty, Cyber Security, Data Protection for the Trust, Finance, Information Security, Privacy Notices, Records Management Policy & Schedule and Risk Management.
Please click on the following link to view them-
The website lists information concerning Annual Reports and Accounts, Executive Pay and the names of the Trustees and Members and their information and duties-
The Tarka Learning Partnership website can also be accessed by clicking on the icon on the Eden Park Academy Home Page.
Policy Statement
Under the Education Act 2002/Academies Act 2010, all schools must provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which: - promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and - prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. ‘The SRE curriculum aims to do just this, promoting children’s understanding of relationships, including an appropriate range of sexual relationships and to prepare them for the emotional and physical changes that they will experience as they grow up.’
Admissions policy for 2026-27: Annual Consultation
Along with all other schools and academies in Devon, we are consulting on an admission policy for 2026-27. The Local Authority is also consulting on its admission arrangements. You are invited to look at the proposal new policies which are based on policies for this year and next year and to have your say on them.
Statutory Policies
Acceptable Use Policy 2024 - OPEN
Admissions Policy (proposed) 2026-27- OPEN
Attendance & Punctuality Policy - OPEN
Relational Behaviour Policy - OPEN
Charging & Remissions Policy - OPEN
Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy - OPEN
Dinner Money Arrears Policy - OPEN
Early Years Foundation Stage Policy - OPEN
Equality and Diversity & Equal Opportunities Policy - OPEN
First Aid including Administration of Medicines Policy - OPEN
Flexible Working Policy - OPEN
Freedom of Information Policy & Publication Scheme - OPEN
Outdoor Education Policy-School - OPEN
Outdoor Education Policy-Trust - OPEN
Parent Communication and Behaviour Policy - OPEN
Relationships and Sex Education Policy - OPEN
School Trips Privacy Policy - OPEN
Staff Acceptable Use of ICT Policy - OPEN
Staff Development Policy - OPEN
Staff Substance Misuse Policy - OPEN
Supplemental Funding Agreement - OPEN
The following policies sit on the Tarka Trust Website. Click on the Tarka Logo below and you will be directed to the correct site:
Balances Capability
Complaints Disciplinary
DBS Family Leave
Data Protection CCTV
Safer Recruitment Flexible Working
Confidentiality Pupil Exclusion
Staff Code of Conduct Volunteers in School
Managing Allegations Information Security
Probation Grievance
Lone Working Managing sickness
Reference Special Leave
Data Protection Managing change
Dignity at Work Freedom of Information
Cyber Security CCTV
Records Management Retention Schedule
Media Handling Risk Management
Due Diligence Directed Time
To view financial reports and constitutional documents on the TLP site, please use the links: