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Sporst at Eden Park Academy




The link will take you to the DfE page that shows how our Year 6 children performed in their SATs tests at the end of Key Stage Two in 2019 (No tests were taken/and or published in preceeding years due to Covid). The information shows their progress between the end of Key Stage One and the end of Key Stage Two, as well as information on how many children reached the expected standard for their age. There is also a link on the page which enable you to compare our school against others.

Click here to view the DfE information

2022 Results

The headlines below show how our children performed at key statutory assessment points in their school life in 2022.

At the end of EYFS (Reception class). Children are assessed as being emerging, expected or exceeding a  GLD (Good Level of Development) across 12 areas of learning, including reading writing, shape and number. In 2022, 47% of children at Eden Park met the expected requirement for a Good Level of Development.

At the end of Key Stage One (Year Two) the children are teacher assessed in Reading, Writing and Maths. We measure the number of children who are working at, below or above ARE (Age related expectations). In 2022, the percentage of children working at ARE were: Maths 50%, Reading 29%, Writing 29%.

At the end of Key Stage Two (The end of Year 6 prior to leaving us) children are teacher assessed in Writing and Science.  

In 2022, the percentage of children working at ARE were: Writing 48% and Science 65%.

At the end of Key Stage Two (The end of Year 6 prior to leaving us) children take End of Year Assessments (SATs) in reading, maths and grammar/spelling.

In the Key Stage 2 SATs the percentage of children working at ARE were: Reading 74%, Maths 55% and Grammar and Spelling 55%. 

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