Growing hearts & minds together
Opening Times 8.45am - 3.10pm

Admissions for Eden Park Academy
Contact Admissions
Tel: 0345 155 1019
Normal Round Admissions
Please follow this link to apply for a Primary Reception place: Devon County Council Admissions Online
In Year Admissions
This is when children start at a school at any time other than the normal round – either in another year group or in a normal round year group that has already started. Applications for in-year admissions can be made at any time although places will not generally be allocated further in advance than eight school weeks. You can read about this in The In-Year Admissions booklet (available soon).
For further advice contact the Education Helpline on 0345 155 1019 or email
The current school Admission Policies are listed within the Statutory Policy page.
Nursery Admissions
Children can start at Eden Park Nursery currently when they are two. They can claim their funded hours the term after they are three: for example if your child is three in the October, then they start their funded place with us in the January (Spring Term). Your child can start with us as soon as they are two, but we charge an hourly rate for this - currently £5.00 per hour or part hour. This is the same charge for any hours that your child does over their funded hours.
We have an application pack to fill in, and we suggest that you visit our setting prior to applying. In the half term before they are due to start with us you will be invited to come to a parents meeting at Nursery where you can ask any questions, sort out the sessions you require (we aim to offer parents the sessions they require but it will depend on numbers already in the setting) and find out further information about Eden Park Nursery.
Nursery Admission Policy 2024 - Open
SEN: Additional Information for parents/carers If you click on the link below you will have access to additional information about the “Local Offer” in Devon – i.e. information about provision for children and young people from 0-25 who have Special Educational Needs
School Admissions - Tarka Trust
‘For further details about in-year applications and appeals, please
see the Tarka Learning Partnership website